Basic Thoracic Ultrasound Skills for Chest Physicians


We are currently working on new dates which will be released here shortly.


About the course

Thoracic Ultrasound is an important and often requested clinical investigation in the work-up of patients with pleural diseases.  In the majority of hospitals, these tests are performed in the radiology departments, where time and resource constraints often lead to delays, with resultant cost and safety implications.  There is increasing recognition that Chest Physicians armed with basic thoracic ultrasound skills could offer a more efficient and safe service to their patients with pleural diseases.

This is a hands-on practical course offering the initial training and preparation towards acquiring basic (level 1) thoracic ultrasound skills and is approved for 6 CPD points.


Course aims

  • To help participants acquire basic diagnostic skills in thoracic ultrasonography
  • To help participants identify the ultrasonographic features of common pleural diseases and how to apply these to the safe and efficient practice of pleural procedures
  • To help participants understand the clinical governance issues surrounding self referral


Learning outcomes

At the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Exhibit clear understanding of ultrasound physics
  • Demonstrate working knowlege with the settings and controls of a bedside ultrasound machine and the use of the ultrasound probe
  • Differentiate between the ultrasonographic appearances of normal pleural, pleural effusions, pleural thickening and pulmonary consolidation
  • Use ultrasound to locate pleural effusion, recognise loculations and estimate the depth of fluid collection from the skin surface
  • Appreciate the role and limitations of ultrasound in the safe practice of pleural disease diagnoses and procedures


For further information on the course visit the course website



Currently there are no events.